Josh has a Master's degree in teaching and nearly 16 years of experience in education with most of it being in the science classroom. His first five years were in the special education setting but his passion for intelligent design led him to become a biology teacher. This was where he began to witness how fraudulent the evidence for evolution really was. While investigating the fraud, some powerful miracles happened that prompted him to ask the Father to show him the truth about creation. The answer to this prayer would be a humbling journey to the undeniable truth of Biblical cosmology. 

After witnessing the overwhelming proof of Biblical creation and all the false evidence needed to hide it, he began sharing his findings online. This was where the Father allowed these proofs to reach over 13 million people on youtube and countless others on various platforms. He is now planning to bring these truths to the classroom in an online format with Creation Standard. His goal is to replace the indoctrination with the provable truth of creation. 


Amber Keefe

Amber has a Master's degree in teaching mathematics and has previously taught math at the high school level. She is the wife of Josh Keefe and has been a home school teacher of their 7 year-old daughter, Eliana, for the last two years. She will continue teaching her, but has volunteered to also step into an administrative role at Creation Standard so that Josh can focus on creating lessons. Josh and Amber have 5 children together and have been married for nearly 16 years. 

A science teacher & a creationist

The Family

Josh has 5 children & 2 grandchildren with his wife Amber.