Bio-Logical Design Standards

Standard 1 
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information and to analyze how the intelligently designed structures in living cells and their functions. a. Construct an explanation of how cell structures and organelles (including nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplasts, lysosome, Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, vacuoles, ribosomes, and mitochondria) interact as an intelligently designed system to maintain homeostasis. b. Develop and use models to explain the role of the breath of life in cellular reproduction (including binary fission, mitosis, and meiosis) in maintaining genetic continuity. (Students should question how organelles in spite of having no eyes or brains go where they need to with more precision than any man made machine.) c. Construct arguments supported by evidence to relate the structure of macromolecules (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids) to their interactions in carrying out cellular processes. (Clarification statement: The function of proteins as enzymes is limited to a conceptual understanding.) d. Plan and carry out investigations to determine the role of cellular transport (e.g., active, passive, and osmosis) in maintaining homeostasis. e. Ask questions to investigate and provide explanations about the roles of photosynthesis and respiration in the cycling of matter and flow of energy within the cell (e.g., single-celled alga). (Clarification statement: Instruction should focus on understanding the inputs, outputs, and functions of photosynthesis and respiration and the functions of the major sub-processes of each including glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, light reactions, and Calvin cycle.)  

Standard 2
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how intelligently designed genetic information is expressed in cells.
a. Construct an explanation of how the structures of DNA and RNA use intelligently designed features and the breath of life to express information within the cell via the processes of replication, transcription, and translation. b. Construct an argument based on evidence to support the claim that inheritable genetic variations may result from: • new genetic combinations through meiosis (crossing over, nondisjunction); • non-lethal errors occurring during replication (insertions, deletions, substitutions); and/or heritable mutations caused by environmental factors (radiation, chemicals, and mRNA vaccines). c. Ask questions to gather and communicate information about the use and ethical considerations of biotechnology such as genetically modified organisms, mRNA vaccines, medicine, forensics and agriculture.  

Standard 3
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generations from creation to present times.
a. Use Mendel’s ideas based on his observations of our Father’s handiwork in regard to (segregation and independent assortment) to ask questions and define problems that explain the role of meiosis in reproductive variations. b. Use mathematical models to predict and explain patterns of inheritance. Example: Students should be able to use Punnett squares (monohybrid and dihybrid crosses) and/or rules of probability, to analyze the following inheritance patterns: dominance, codominance, incomplete dominance.) c. Construct an argument to support a claim about the relative advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction. 

Standard 4
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to illustrate the organization of interacting systems within single-celled and multi-celled organisms.
a. Construct an argument supported by irreducible complexity to explain how structures and their functions within eukaryotes could not have arisen due to endosymbiosis. Clades should include: For example, some claim that the mitochondria came about when bacteria became trapped inside a eukaryotic cell. (Clarification statement: This is reflective of 21st century classification schemes and nested hierarchy of clades and is intended to develop a foundation for comparing major groups of organisms. The term 'protist' is useful in describing those eukaryotes that are not within the animal, fungal or plant clades but the term does not describe a well-defined clade or a natural taxonomic group.) b. Analyze and interpret data to develop models (i.e., cladograms and phylogenetic trees) based on design features brought about by the fact that all life has a common creator. c. Construct an argument supported by empirical evidence to compare and contrast the characteristics of viruses and organisms using only real photos.  

Standard 5
Investigate the interdependence of all organisms on one another and their environment.
a. Plan and carry out investigations and analyze data to support explanations about factors affecting biodiversity and populations in ecosystems. (Clarification statement: Factors include population size, carrying capacity, response to limiting factors, and keystone species.) b. Develop and use models to analyze the cycling of matter and flow of energy within ecosystems through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. Arranging components of a food web according to energy flow. Comparing the quantity of energy in the steps of an energy pyramid. Explaining the need for cycling of major biochemical elements (C, O, N, P, and H) and how it only works on an enclosed system. c. Construct an argument to predict the impact of environmental change on the stability of an ecosystem. d. Design a solution to reduce the impact of a human activity on the environment. (Clarification statement: Human activities may include chemical use, natural resources consumption, and introduction of non-native species.) e. Construct explanations that predict an organism’s ability to survive within changing environmental limits (e.g., temperature, pH, drought, fire).

Standard 6
Investigate and explore the history of fraudulent evidence used in an effort to validate the theory of macroevolution. Such evidence includes: Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, Lucy, Dino bird/Archaeoraptor liaoningensis, transitional horse fossils, peppered moth, Haeckel’s fraudulent embryo drawings etc. a. Construct an explanation as to how new evidence such as current examples of rapid fossilization and the discovery of soft tissue on dinosaur bones by Mark Armitage & Maria Schweitzer impacts our understanding of the creation timeline. Use this evidence and forensic investigation skills to prove that a worldwide flood occurred. Use Biblical & other historical documents to verify this timeline & events mentioned in the Bible. B. Investigate irreducible complexity & the work of Dr. Behe to see why it’s impossible for today’s known species to arise from existing species via macroevolution. c. Analyze symbiotic relationships and the biodiversity needed to sustain life & explain how this supports intelligent design. d. Construct an argument using valid and reliable sources to support the claim that evidence from comparative morphology (analogous vs. homologous structures), embryology, biochemistry (protein sequence) and genetics support the theory that all living organisms are related by way of common descent. e. Use mathematical models to support the fact that the only possible way to have the current level variations of life and or biodiversity is through an intelligent designer/creator. f. Given that bacteria have a reproduce every 4-20 minutes, investigate how man-made causes have impacted biological resistance (e.g., pesticides, antibiotic resistance, and influenza vaccines). Investigate these changes and determine if they have yet to produce a change in kind of any microscopic organism throughout the millions of generations analyzed by scientists.