Earth's Foundation

This course replaces your traditional earth science & astronomy courses with a course that uses experiments, hands on activities, interactive lessons, & videos to prove that the Father's Words about His creation are true. This course is suitable for many age groups and can be used to enrich the learning experience of people who have already taken a traditional earth science course. To see a full layout of the content covered in this course, you can view our Creation Standards by CLICKING HERE

Firmamental Breakdown

This course will be an advanced version of our Earth's Foundation course & will be suitable for high school aged students and beyond. We'll explore the best evidence for both the Biblical earth & Heliocentric Models & witness how the Father's truth prevails every time. I will be creating the standards for this course and will have them here to view when they're complete. 
To see a full layout of the content covered in this course, you can & view our Creation Standards by CLICKING HERE

Intro to Intelligent Design

This course will allow students to explore the mind-blowing complexities of our Father's intelligent design. We'll use real world observations to prove that life is irreducibly complex & thoroughly break apart the false evidence used to support the lie of macroevolution and its alleged role in the origin of life. The standards are a modified version of the traditional 7th grade life science class. To see the full layout of the content covered in this course view our standards by CLICKING HERE

Bio-Logical Design

Traditional high school biology courses are loaded with fraudulent evidence for evolution. This course will not ignore this evidence, but will examine it more closely to see how it falls apart when compared to our Father's account of creation. We'll be using an improved version of traditional biology standards to prepare students for any End of Course tests. This is also a good course for anyone that has already taken biology & wants a Biblical perspective. View our standards by CLICKING HERE



Our ultimate goal is to generate enough funding to make Creation Standard free. However, for now it will be a dollar per day. Each course fee is good for 1 family, so if you have 3 students in the same class, you only pay once. Also, if you pay for 3 classes, you have the option of receiving the 4th class free. Classes last 10 months.
NOTE: Payments aren't due until July 31st to receive your class code. If you need financial assistance, send us an email to


per month

1 Course
Note: This is per household so if you have 3 students in the same course, you only pay the fee one time.  

Live interactive lessons & lectures

Guest Speakers

Educational Videos 

Life changing experience

Biblical based assignments & experiments


per month

2 Courses
Note: This is per household so if you have 3 students in the same course, you only pay the fee  one time. 

Live interactive lessons & lectures

Guest Speakers

Educational Videos

Life changing experience

Biblical based assignments & experiments


per month

3 Courses
Note: This is per household so if you have 3 students in the same course, you only pay the fee one time.

Live interactive lessons & lectures

Guest Speakers

Educational Videos

Life changing experience

Biblical based assignments & experiments

4th course is FREE


SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO REQUESTS OR HOLY DAYS BUT THIS IS OUR CURRENT VISION OF A TYPICAL WEEK. NOTE: We are on Easter Daylight Time (EDT), so you may need to use a time zone converter to see which time works best for you.